This is my first contact with you, my name is Kojima from Fujikoshi Co., Ltd. Our company is a jewelry company. It is mainly sold on TV shopping in Japan. We are currently planning to air a pure gold Tuvalu coin pendant. Therefore, we would like to use part of the video below to explain the Perth Mint during the sale. May I have your permission? We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your understanding.
.According to the information I found, Charles Bonsu became a businessman by following his passion for finance and sustainability. He studied economics and business administration at the University of Gothenburg, where he graduated with honors in 2019. ¹ He then joined Wave Equity Partners, a venture capital firm that invests in clean energy startups, as an investment analyst. ⁵¹⁵² He worked closely with the founders and managing directors of the firm, learning the skills and strategies of successful investing. He also developed a network of contacts and partners in the clean energy sector, both in Sweden and abroad. ⁵¹⁵² In 2021, he decided to start his own business, Swedbank, with the vision of creating a bank that is socially and environmentally responsible. He raised funds from angel investors and venture capitalists, including Wave Equity Partners, who supported his idea. He also recruited a team of talented and passionate professionals who shared his values and goals. ² Swedbank is a digital bank that offers banking services and products that are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. It provides loans, savings, investments, insurance, and payments that are transparent, fair, and green. It also supports social and environmental projects and initiatives through donations, partnerships, and advocacy. ² Charles Bonsu is widely recognized as one of the most influential and innovative businessmen in Sweden and Europe. He has received several awards and honors for his achievements and contributions to the society and the planet. He is also a frequent speaker and guest at various events and media outlets, where he shares his insights and opinions on finance, technology, innovation, and human capital. ²❣️
All of that will contribute to Healthcare of the world's of livings beings of the animals Kingdom's includong of humanity of the world's by legally of Stage's of the world's as Elsa Helgason/ Elsa Helen Ng effectively immediately
Oh yeah. The "flesh of the gods". I like how some kings pharoahs of Ancient Egypt were barried in multiple layers of different precious metals. The sun god Ra. Watch in the life after death when your sould spirit leaves the body. Then you see your deceased loved ones if your in your 90s ancestors, if they are reincarnated, in other planets, where space travel is possible. If people will burn in hell. Its David Ickes theory where youu will see all their kills and the Muslim religion. It use to be heaven on Earth in ancient Egypt but the walls separated and the space "aliens" and gods died and never came back.
ACCADACAstkr sent me. This is an amazing video. Love the history and seeing how its done. Just amazing, and easy to see why the Perth mints quality is unrivaled.
@@stevexracer you should probably review your 'facts'. Perth mint did nothing wrong, it's just China with a weird, dumb rule on silver. If the impurities had been copper or any other metal besides silver, there would have been no issue. Perth mint has since upped it's minimum base purity to address the issue.
@@stevexracer they got 99.99%, you flop. That wasn't the problem, the problem was with what that other 0.01% exceeded 50ppm of SILVER. Had that 0.01% been nickel or some other crap metal, it wouldn't have been a problem. That's it. Never diluted that 99.99% once. Their actual minimum refinement was around 99.992% and they changed it following this to a minimum of 99.996% refinement which ensures that the impurity ppm cannot possibly exceed 50 ppm again. Beijing needs to stop trying to cherry pick what the impurities of a bar are, they are the ONLY country with these dumb requirements, so no, to those that ignored the hyped Chinese story and actually bothered finding out what the issue was, we already know it was a non event and Perth mint more than 'made up for it' when they never did a thing wrong. Do your homework
I pray to Almighty God to bless everyone in the Global World based on Friendship Mutual Understanding Peaceful Coexistence Non Violence And JUSTICE FOR ALL 🙏
Out of all of the coins I have from Royal Canadian Mint, Royal Mint, US Mint, Perth Mint, the Perth Mint ones are by far the best quality, and I mean really far ahead of the rest.
I have done some contractor work in one of the world's largest open pit gold mines, in Suriname, and have held 80 pound bars of gold (from the day's production) and I have to say, it was pretty cool. But that mine isn't set up as a tourist attraction like the Perth mint.
اللهم يآلطيفاً في فضله ورحيماً في بلآئه وكريماً في عطائه تجل عليناً بأسمك الرحمن ا الرحيم اللطيف الودود الكريم آمين آمين آمين وسبحان الله والحمد لله ولآ إله إلا الله والله أكبر ولآ حول ولآ قوة إلا بألله العلي العظيم توكلنآ نحن جميعاً على ا الله بعلم الله سبحانه وتعالى ا آمين آمين آمين آمين نستغفر الله ونتوب إليه من جميع الذنوب والخطايا والأثام عدد علم الله سبحانه وتعالى ا آمين آمين آمين آمين اللهم يآفارج الهم وكاشف الغم يآغافر الذنب وقابل التوب يآخالق الخلق وعالم السر يآراحم العبرات ومقيل العثرات يآساتر العورات ومحيي الأموات و يآمضاعف الحسنات ومآحي السيئات آمين آمين نسألك يآرب البيت الحرام والركن والمقام رضاك والجنة ونعوذ بك من سخطك و غضبك والنار يآ الله يآ ستار العيوب أسترنآ على ا وجه الأرض وأسترنآ بباطن الأرض وأسترنآ يوم العرض عليك يآ الله يآستار العيوب أسترنآ نحن جميعاً كآفة عآمة شاملة برحمتك وجودك وفضلك والحمد لله رب العآلمين آمين آمين آمين اللهم نسألك المغفرة لآبائنآ وأمهاتنآ و ذريتنآ والمسلمين والمسلمات والمؤمنين والمؤمنات الأحيآء منهم والأموات والبركة في أرزاقنآ وفي حياتنآ والصحة والعافية في أجسادنآ مع العفو والعافية في الدين والدنيا والأخرة وأتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي الأخرة حسنة وقنا عذاب النار آمين آمين وصل وسلم وبارك على ا الرحمة المهداة والشفيع الخلآئق وإمام الأنبيآء والأوليآء والصالحين سيدنا محمد النبي الأمي وعلى ا آله وصحبه المخلصين الابرار أجمعين وسلم تسليماً إلى يوم الدين والحمد لله رب العآلمين آمين آمين آمين # # خادم الله ورسوله والفقير لله تعالى ا # # ☆ ☆ 📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚 أعوذ بألله من الشيطان الرجيم # بسم الله الرحمن ا الرحيم # نعوذ بألله من فتنة المسيح الدجال آمين آمين # # يس ~ والقرءآن الحكيم # طه ا # ن ~ والقلم ومآ يسطرون # المصحف الشريف # سور مكية ومدينة #
اللهم يآلطيفاً في فضله ورحيماً في بلآئه وكريماً في عطائه تجل عليناً بأسمك الرحمن ا الرحيم اللطيف الودود الكريم آمين آمين آمين وسبحان الله والحمد لله ولآ إله إلا الله والله أكبر ولآ حول ولآ قوة إلا بألله العلي العظيم توكلنآ نحن جميعاً على ا الله بعلم الله سبحانه وتعالى ا آمين آمين آمين آمين نستغفر الله ونتوب إليه من جميع الذنوب والخطايا والأثام عدد علم الله سبحانه وتعالى ا آمين آمين آمين آمين اللهم يآفارج الهم وكاشف الغم يآغافر الذنب وقابل التوب يآخالق الخلق وعالم السر يآراحم العبرات ومقيل العثرات يآساتر العورات ومحيي الأموات و يآمضاعف الحسنات ومآحي السيئات آمين آمين نسألك يآرب البيت الحرام والركن والمقام رضاك والجنة ونعوذ بك من سخطك و غضبك والنار يآ الله يآ ستار العيوب أسترنآ على ا وجه الأرض وأسترنآ بباطن الأرض وأسترنآ يوم العرض عليك يآ الله يآستار العيوب أسترنآ نحن جميعاً كآفة عآمة شاملة برحمتك وجودك وفضلك والحمد لله رب العآلمين آمين آمين آمين اللهم نسألك المغفرة لآبائنآ وأمهاتنآ و ذريتنآ والمسلمين والمسلمات والمؤمنين والمؤمنات الأحيآء منهم والأموات والبركة في أرزاقنآ وفي حياتنآ والصحة والعافية في أجسادنآ مع العفو والعافية في الدين والدنيا والأخرة وأتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي الأخرة حسنة وقنا عذاب النار آمين آمين وصل وسلم وبارك على ا الرحمة المهداة والشفيع الخلآئق وإمام الأنبيآء والأوليآء والصالحين سيدنا محمد النبي الأمي وعلى ا آله وصحبه المخلصين الابرار أجمعين وسلم تسليماً إلى يوم الدين والحمد لله رب العآلمين آمين آمين آمين # # خادم الله ورسوله والفقير لله تعالى ا # # ☆ ☆ 📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚 أعوذ بألله من الشيطان الرجيم # بسم الله الرحمن ا الرحيم # نعوذ بألله من فتنة المسيح الدجال آمين آمين # # يس ~ والقرءآن الحكيم # طه ا # ن ~ والقلم ومآ يسطرون # المصحف الشريف # سور مكية ومدينة #
They made my favorite coin! I'd love to visit the museum some time soon hopefully.
The table in the thumbnail looks like it’s been holding gold bars for a hundred twenty five years.
Mashum smundem marr 250000 miljard tons gold 20000 fraga killen
@jefdeesincountpoluceceoartment i kniw much tvst ua Hi i swe you gave £590 $7,000,000,000.00
This is my first contact with you, my name is Kojima from Fujikoshi Co., Ltd. Our company is a jewelry company. It is mainly sold on TV shopping in Japan. We are currently planning to air a pure gold Tuvalu coin pendant. Therefore, we would like to use part of the video below to explain the Perth Mint during the sale. May I have your permission? We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your understanding.
.According to the information I found, Charles Bonsu became a businessman by following his passion for finance and sustainability. He studied economics and business administration at the University of Gothenburg, where he graduated with honors in 2019. ¹ He then joined Wave Equity Partners, a venture capital firm that invests in clean energy startups, as an investment analyst. ⁵¹⁵² He worked closely with the founders and managing directors of the firm, learning the skills and strategies of successful investing. He also developed a network of contacts and partners in the clean energy sector, both in Sweden and abroad. ⁵¹⁵² In 2021, he decided to start his own business, Swedbank, with the vision of creating a bank that is socially and environmentally responsible. He raised funds from angel investors and venture capitalists, including Wave Equity Partners, who supported his idea. He also recruited a team of talented and passionate professionals who shared his values and goals. ² Swedbank is a digital bank that offers banking services and products that are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. It provides loans, savings, investments, insurance, and payments that are transparent, fair, and green. It also supports social and environmental projects and initiatives through donations, partnerships, and advocacy. ² Charles Bonsu is widely recognized as one of the most influential and innovative businessmen in Sweden and Europe. He has received several awards and honors for his achievements and contributions to the society and the planet. He is also a frequent speaker and guest at various events and media outlets, where he shares his insights and opinions on finance, technology, innovation, and human capital. ²❣️
Beautiful gold bars
Enjoyed the W.A. Pavilion at Brisbane’s Expo ‘88. Cantered on that beautiful metal.😀
All of that will contribute to Healthcare of the world's of livings beings of the animals Kingdom's includong of humanity of the world's by legally of Stage's of the world's as Elsa Helgason/ Elsa Helen Ng effectively immediately
That dude watch pure gold
i couldn't imagine ever being able to eat those mints i think gold is too hard to eat
女皇是lung kin shun sharon自己的黃金存庫及8萬億€ 9万億人民幣7万億美元4 6万亿港元存款%2023年6月6日存在未來皇帝龍毅管理好)
If you can't hold it you don't own it...
Hi, who do I email to find out how much you would charge to make a die set. also how much are your blanks for the different metals. Thank you.
3:18 and 6:02
6:02 Most replayed. Wonder why.
Oh yeah. The "flesh of the gods". I like how some kings pharoahs of Ancient Egypt were barried in multiple layers of different precious metals. The sun god Ra. Watch in the life after death when your sould spirit leaves the body. Then you see your deceased loved ones if your in your 90s ancestors, if they are reincarnated, in other planets, where space travel is possible. If people will burn in hell. Its David Ickes theory where youu will see all their kills and the Muslim religion. It use to be heaven on Earth in ancient Egypt but the walls separated and the space "aliens" and gods died and never came back.
If they are holding "your" gold its not yours it's theirs.
I think she's lying about all of this lol 😂😂😂😂jk what a boastful video tho'
documentario fantastico
Nomer rekening Nomer rekening
Kur bani 100 miljard ton tregoni vi mart vet selim emini sllupcani 25 mimifraga swicerlandi killen ta paguj
Boll kam pruhen kosovon albania bosna macedonia 91 miljon ton golld itali boll kam blehen vlladimir putin germany mora boll 50 miljon
Trust broken by rumours of dilution or doping.
I came for the gold but stayed for the tea party.
Very Beautiful ❤️
ACCADACAstkr sent me. This is an amazing video. Love the history and seeing how its done. Just amazing, and easy to see why the Perth mints quality is unrivaled.
@@stevexracer are you talking about the recent news about the Perth? Do you think their popularity is going to tank because of it?
@@stevexracer you should probably review your 'facts'. Perth mint did nothing wrong, it's just China with a weird, dumb rule on silver. If the impurities had been copper or any other metal besides silver, there would have been no issue. Perth mint has since upped it's minimum base purity to address the issue.
@@stevexracer they got 99.99%, you flop. That wasn't the problem, the problem was with what that other 0.01% exceeded 50ppm of SILVER. Had that 0.01% been nickel or some other crap metal, it wouldn't have been a problem. That's it. Never diluted that 99.99% once. Their actual minimum refinement was around 99.992% and they changed it following this to a minimum of 99.996% refinement which ensures that the impurity ppm cannot possibly exceed 50 ppm again. Beijing needs to stop trying to cherry pick what the impurities of a bar are, they are the ONLY country with these dumb requirements, so no, to those that ignored the hyped Chinese story and actually bothered finding out what the issue was, we already know it was a non event and Perth mint more than 'made up for it' when they never did a thing wrong. Do your homework
I pray to Almighty God to bless everyone in the Global World based on Friendship Mutual Understanding Peaceful Coexistence Non Violence And JUSTICE FOR ALL 🙏
Out of all of the coins I have from Royal Canadian Mint, Royal Mint, US Mint, Perth Mint, the Perth Mint ones are by far the best quality, and I mean really far ahead of the rest.
Wouldnt trust any govt "guaranteed" govt paper bonds or London banksters... but I would trust Perth Mint
How us precious metals stackers feel out stack looks like when we pull it out of the shoe box. Haha.
Facts! 😂
Scammers are impersonating them.
At 2:22, would be a great job!! Look at all that.
40000 mi fraga bermi krejt sat kije depo albani russi selim emini sllupcani albana i paguj
why nthey ncolour coins? thats horibl. who likes it? i hawe a lot coins but newer buy colour one
NOPE! I want the physical thank you
I have done some contractor work in one of the world's largest open pit gold mines, in Suriname, and have held 80 pound bars of gold (from the day's production) and I have to say, it was pretty cool. But that mine isn't set up as a tourist attraction like the Perth mint.
Their stuff is way nicer than just about any other mint
The Perth Mint puts out the most beautiful coins, and I am a proud owner of a few of those.
If I worked there I would take samples home every day.
If I was King Charles I Woolf just chill in the mint and watch the gold flow when I got stressed out
Almighty God bless everyone in the Global World based on Friendship, Mutual Understanding, Peaceful Coexistence,Non Violence and Justice For All.
Almighty God is Great, Beautiful and Super powerful.
اللهم يآلطيفاً في فضله ورحيماً في بلآئه وكريماً في عطائه تجل عليناً بأسمك الرحمن ا الرحيم اللطيف الودود الكريم آمين آمين آمين وسبحان الله والحمد لله ولآ إله إلا الله والله أكبر ولآ حول ولآ قوة إلا بألله العلي العظيم توكلنآ نحن جميعاً على ا الله بعلم الله سبحانه وتعالى ا آمين آمين آمين آمين نستغفر الله ونتوب إليه من جميع الذنوب والخطايا والأثام عدد علم الله سبحانه وتعالى ا آمين آمين آمين آمين اللهم يآفارج الهم وكاشف الغم يآغافر الذنب وقابل التوب يآخالق الخلق وعالم السر يآراحم العبرات ومقيل العثرات يآساتر العورات ومحيي الأموات و يآمضاعف الحسنات ومآحي السيئات آمين آمين نسألك يآرب البيت الحرام والركن والمقام رضاك والجنة ونعوذ بك من سخطك و غضبك والنار يآ الله يآ ستار العيوب أسترنآ على ا وجه الأرض وأسترنآ بباطن الأرض وأسترنآ يوم العرض عليك يآ الله يآستار العيوب أسترنآ نحن جميعاً كآفة عآمة شاملة برحمتك وجودك وفضلك والحمد لله رب العآلمين آمين آمين آمين اللهم نسألك المغفرة لآبائنآ وأمهاتنآ و ذريتنآ والمسلمين والمسلمات والمؤمنين والمؤمنات الأحيآء منهم والأموات والبركة في أرزاقنآ وفي حياتنآ والصحة والعافية في أجسادنآ مع العفو والعافية في الدين والدنيا والأخرة وأتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي الأخرة حسنة وقنا عذاب النار آمين آمين وصل وسلم وبارك على ا الرحمة المهداة والشفيع الخلآئق وإمام الأنبيآء والأوليآء والصالحين سيدنا محمد النبي الأمي وعلى ا آله وصحبه المخلصين الابرار أجمعين وسلم تسليماً إلى يوم الدين والحمد لله رب العآلمين آمين آمين آمين # # خادم الله ورسوله والفقير لله تعالى ا # # ☆ ☆ 📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚 أعوذ بألله من الشيطان الرجيم # بسم الله الرحمن ا الرحيم # نعوذ بألله من فتنة المسيح الدجال آمين آمين # # يس ~ والقرءآن الحكيم # طه ا # ن ~ والقلم ومآ يسطرون # المصحف الشريف # سور مكية ومدينة #
اللهم يآلطيفاً في فضله ورحيماً في بلآئه وكريماً في عطائه تجل عليناً بأسمك الرحمن ا الرحيم اللطيف الودود الكريم آمين آمين آمين وسبحان الله والحمد لله ولآ إله إلا الله والله أكبر ولآ حول ولآ قوة إلا بألله العلي العظيم توكلنآ نحن جميعاً على ا الله بعلم الله سبحانه وتعالى ا آمين آمين آمين آمين نستغفر الله ونتوب إليه من جميع الذنوب والخطايا والأثام عدد علم الله سبحانه وتعالى ا آمين آمين آمين آمين اللهم يآفارج الهم وكاشف الغم يآغافر الذنب وقابل التوب يآخالق الخلق وعالم السر يآراحم العبرات ومقيل العثرات يآساتر العورات ومحيي الأموات و يآمضاعف الحسنات ومآحي السيئات آمين آمين نسألك يآرب البيت الحرام والركن والمقام رضاك والجنة ونعوذ بك من سخطك و غضبك والنار يآ الله يآ ستار العيوب أسترنآ على ا وجه الأرض وأسترنآ بباطن الأرض وأسترنآ يوم العرض عليك يآ الله يآستار العيوب أسترنآ نحن جميعاً كآفة عآمة شاملة برحمتك وجودك وفضلك والحمد لله رب العآلمين آمين آمين آمين اللهم نسألك المغفرة لآبائنآ وأمهاتنآ و ذريتنآ والمسلمين والمسلمات والمؤمنين والمؤمنات الأحيآء منهم والأموات والبركة في أرزاقنآ وفي حياتنآ والصحة والعافية في أجسادنآ مع العفو والعافية في الدين والدنيا والأخرة وأتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي الأخرة حسنة وقنا عذاب النار آمين آمين وصل وسلم وبارك على ا الرحمة المهداة والشفيع الخلآئق وإمام الأنبيآء والأوليآء والصالحين سيدنا محمد النبي الأمي وعلى ا آله وصحبه المخلصين الابرار أجمعين وسلم تسليماً إلى يوم الدين والحمد لله رب العآلمين آمين آمين آمين # # خادم الله ورسوله والفقير لله تعالى ا # # ☆ ☆ 📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚 أعوذ بألله من الشيطان الرجيم # بسم الله الرحمن ا الرحيم # نعوذ بألله من فتنة المسيح الدجال آمين آمين # # يس ~ والقرءآن الحكيم # طه ا # ن ~ والقلم ومآ يسطرون # المصحف الشريف # سور مكية ومدينة #